Be a Tourist Close to Home

It’s not always easy to jump on a plane and head off on a new adventure. But have you ever really explored the area close to where you currently live?

Whether you live in the Rockies, near a beach, or in the Great Plains, I bet there’s plenty to explore in your local area.

All too often, we overlook where we live and keep our eyes on other destinations. Want to see your home through new eyes?

You need to act like a tourist would!

Travel Without Traveling

Looking to save money but still have fun? Or have you lived in your local area you’re entire life but never really explored it (many of us don’t!)? Then it’s time to look at your hometown like a tourist would.

Lonely Planet has an amazing guide that teaches you how to be a traveler close to home.

Our favorite tip from their article? Get a guidebook for your hometown or a bigger city near you. While you may not be able to go on Amazon to find something, you can probably contact your local Chamber of Commerce or visitors’ center to get a brochure of all the fun activities in your area to try.

Once you’ve got a guidebook, brochure, or even just a lit together, start creating a bucket list for what you want to do. 

As Lonely Planet puts it, imagine you’re moving and wouldn’t ever come back. They suggest making a list of 30 things you would need to do or see before you leave. You don’t have to do something new every single day, but you can spend your weekends or days off seeing new things that you may not have even known were in an easy drive.

Get the Tourist View

Want to see your home in an entirely different way? Join a local tour group and see how visitors see your hometown.

It’s amazing how different it can look to someone who’s never been there before and can give you an entirely new perspective on where you live.

You can even invite friends and family who live out of town to come visit. It’s so much fun to see your area through their eyes.

Stay at a Local Hotel

Want to get a bit of luxury with our adventures? Check into a local hotel! You can make friends at the restaurant or bar and get a completely different view of your city when you connect with travelers. Stay near some of the activities you’ve chosen and walk to them instead of drive.

Get Up at Dawn

Get that morning sunlight and head to a local park or greenery at dawn. Get up a bit early and go watch the sunrise from a nice location in town and take some photos to really appreciate the view.

Appreciate Where You Live

When you do more to travel and explore your hometown, you’ll get an entirely fresh perspective on where you live. 

You’ll stop feeling like you need to move somewhere with “more to do” and gain a love for where you are.

Don’t retire your plane points, but traveling near home is a great way to refresh your soul and build a connection with your own corner of the world.
