Embrace Lawn Bowling for Fun, Fitness, and Socializing

Have you been looking for a way to get fit while having fun? As the weather warms up it might be time to explore lawn bowls!

While lawn bowling has traditionally been seen as an older person’s sport, it’s gaining popularity amongst the younger generations and can be the perfect way to bridge that age gap.

As a low-impact sport, it is easy on the joints and can be a great way to get exercise without putting too much strain on the body. But our favorite parts about lawn bowling? It’s often played in groups, giving you an opportunity to socialize and interact with others but you also play outside, getting you out in the sunshine and fresh air.

Coming out of winter and into spring and summer, it’s the perfect time to try something new that gets you outside and with others.

How to Lawn Bowl

If you want to find a club near you that offers lawn bowling, you’ll probably want to learn the basics before you get started.

Lawn bowling is different from bocce and even from your traditional bowling at the lanes, so we found a couple of great resources for you to get an idea of what it will look like to bowl.

First up, a great YouTube video that’s only 5 minutes long but takes you through the basics and the fun you can have on the greens!

“Anything You Can Do” Hits the Bowling Green

Differences Between Lawn Bowling and Bocce

Have you ever played bocce? The games aren’t the same and if you’re curious what the differences are (and like to read the basics of the game), you’ll want to check out this great article from Bar Games 101.

Not only will you learn how lawn bowling differs from the sports you may have already played, but how it’s played and even the history of the game.

Plus, you can learn about how lawn bowling requires strategy and critical thinking. This makes it a great way to not only get fit, but add some mental stimulation to your day to help keep your mind sharp.

Lawn Bowling Can Provide a Range of Benefits

Lawn bowling can be a fantastic activity for older adults, offering a range of physical, mental, and social benefits. From providing low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints to stimulating the mind with strategic thinking, lawn bowling offers a great way for us to stay active and engaged. Additionally, it offers a social outlet and can be a fun way to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships. 

If you’ve been looking for a new activity that gets you outdoors and keeps you social, it might be time to grab some lawn bowling necessities and head to the nearest greens!
