Let’s Plan This Year’s Garden!

Who else is making their list and checking it twice? And no, I’m not talking about anything related to Christmas. I’m looking ahead to the warmer spring and summer months filled with beautiful flowers and those dreaded weeds. Pulling weeds is probably my least-liked task, but having a stand-up weed puller has helped make weeding less strenuous

Gardening is an excellent activity for third-agers. Studies show gardening can improve your sleep and decrease isolation (if you garden with others). Gardening is expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Gardening on a Shoestring, written by third-age gardening expert Rob Proctor, gives you tips to make your dream garden on a budget. If you prepare now, you will soon be plucking those fresh tomatoes, listening to the bees, and enjoying the sites of beautiful butterflies. 
