It’s Time to Thrive in Our Third Age

Be honest with yourself – do you fear getting older?

As I’ve been building up Third Age Mojo over the last few years, I’ve heard from too many people that they feel they’re doomed to age like it’s some kind of custodial sentence.

Let me tell you – age does not have to mean your health declines, you become isolated, or you lose all purpose.

I’m on a mission to help you redefine aging, challenging the stereotypes that our culture tells us, and empowering you to thrive in your “later” years.

Our Mission for Aging

I started this community to do one simple thing: redefine aging and empower people to thrive in their Third Age.

Yes, this means even you!

I know that it’s possible to live our best Third Age when we focus on improving not only our own lives but the lives of those around us. Let’s use our experiences for good instead of complaining about the years we’ve lived.

How do we do that? Through four key pillars:

  1. Lifelong Learner: In our Third Age, there’s no limit to what we can explore and discover. It’s a time for personal growth and continued education.
  2. Mentor: Let’s share our experiences gained over our rich lives! Working with the other generations and serving as mentors to others not only enriches the lives of both the mentor and mentee but also contributes to the betterment of society.
  3. Grateful Benefactor: We need to make the world better through acts of kindness, philanthropy, or community involvement.
  4. Compassionate Communicator: Building and maintaining strong connections with others is vital for emotional and mental well-being during our Third Age.

My Values for Healthy Aging

We all want to age our best, but when I started Third Age Mojo I knew that I needed to do so in a way that connected with others like me.

You might wonder who doesn’t want to live a better life, but the reality is many of us just don’t think it’s possible.

When I set out to foster this community, I knew that I had to live by a set of values.

Those are: 

  • To operate with integrity.
  • To meet everyone with love.
  • To be my truest and boldest self.
  • To leave situations better than I found them.
  • To disrupt aging and to examine/evaluate all other conventional wisdom.

If I’m going to do my part to redefine aging and help you see that it’s possible, I know that I have to be not only authentic in my desires but create a space for all of us who might see it a little bit differently.

Age is Our Superpower

It’s time to embrace your Third Age with enthusiasm, passion, and purpose. 

With continuous learning, service, and meaningful communication, we can reshape how the world views aging.

It all starts with us!

Let’s stop worrying about the fact that we’re getting older and instead turn it into a superpower. These are the best years of our lives. Let’s live that way!
