5 Tools to Help You Get Better Sleep

As we age, the value of getting a good night’s sleep becomes more and more apparent.

It’s not just a break from the day or a chance to reset – it’s crucial for maintaining our health. From reenergizing the body to keeping the mind sharp, achieving wellness for older adults is closely linked with getting proper sleep.

If sleep feels elusive for you, you’ll love these tools we’ve found. Learn how to set the right foundation for your sleep health, then grab these to make it happen.

Blue light blocking glasses

Block Out the Blue Light

Your phone, TV, and computer all fill your eyes with harmful blue light. Especially at night as you’re trying to wind down, blue light can have a major impact on your sleep cycle. Protect your eyes with these glasses! With two pairs, you’ll get fun glasses to wear that also help to prevent eye strain, cut back on headaches, and help you drift off into a better night’s sleep.

Sleep Softer with a Satin Pillowcase

What you sleep on can actually help you sleep better. With these soft and gentle satin pillowcases, you’ll protect your skin and hair throughout the night to get a more restorative beauty sleep. Literally! It can also help you to be more comfortable throughout the night and keep you asleep longer. Plus, I just love how cozy and easy they are to use and all the fun colors they come in.

bedsure satin pillowcases
loop quiet ear plugs

Keep the Peace with These Earplugs

Live in a noisy neighborhood or just can’t stand the loud birds in the early hours? Block them out with these super soft earplugs. They come in a variety of colors to suit your mood and are made of soft silicone to reduce most noise. They’re also super comfortable and come in 4 different sizes so you can find the perfect fit.

Use Natural Light to Wake Up

Did you know that using your smartphone alarm can disrupt the way you wake up and ruin that good night’s sleep you just got? Instead, use an actual alarm and add the tech-brilliance of synthetic daylight. This alarm clock not only looks stylish and modern, but it also simulates the natural dawn light to help you wake up gradually.

Turn to the Power of CBD

You know that I love CBD! It’s incredibly beneficial and can work for a wide range of issues, including improving your sleep. This full-spectrum CBD is effective in soothing pain, lowering your anxiety, and helping you get a good night’s sleep. Better than melatonin or other store-bought solutions and is non-addictive. This is the perfect way to get started sleeping better.
