Increase Your Daily Reading with Kindle Unlimited

Do you love to read, but don’t love having to buy a bunch of books or run to the library all the time? Especially if your local library is restricting access thanks to COVID, you may be looking for an alternative. Plus, if you’re joining us for our challenge this month, you’ll need to be getting that reading in!

We may just have the solution for you. Kindle Unlimited lets you have access to over a million titles, all in Amazon’s vast library. You can read from any genre and never be bored!

The fun thing about Kindle Unlimited is that it works on any device. So whether you have a Kindle or just prefer to read on your phone or tablet, this will work for you.

Amazon’s Subscription Service for Books

With Kindle Unlimited, you can “borrow” up to 10 books at a time for just $9.99/month. They do offer a free 30 day trial so you can see if it will work for you and your habits. Think of it like Netflix but for eBooks.

Kindle Unlimited is not included with Prime, so you’ll need to pay for a separate subscription even if you already have Prime.

One cool feature is that you can also find audiobooks as well as eBooks. These aren’t read in a robotic voice either, but in a high-quality Audible style.

What Kinds of Books are Available?

While there are certainly some bigger titles available through Kindle Unlimited, a lot of the more contemporary titles are not. You’ll be able to find big names like Harry Potter and classic fiction, but not necessarily those released in the last few years.

In fact, many of the titles available through Kindle Unlimited are self-published titles. That does not necessarily mean they’re not good; it just means that their path to publication was different. You may have to sift through a bit more and read some reviews, but many of the books on Kindle Unlimited are rated four stars and above.

Is Kindle Unlimited Worth It?

If you love to read and want to find some hidden gems, we highly recommend it! We think the free trial is especially great to see if it’s something you’re actually going to use. And after all, if you’re going to be joining our 15 day challenge, you’ll need to have something new and fun to read! Just keep in mind this isn’t the service that’s going to give you the contemporary best sellers and your expectations will be met.
