Daily Self-Care Hacks You Can Actually Do

Picture this for a second: you can still dance to your favorite music, hike with the grandkids, and wake up every morning feeling energized and ready to tackle the day.

Does this currently sound like a fantasy?

It doesn’t have to be! The secret to aging healthily lies in a powerful daily practice: self-care.

I’ve been honest that a few years ago, I was not healthy or taking care of myself. But my entire life changed when I started taking small, easy steps to improve my health.

Self-Care is Your Health

Self-care isn’t just baths, massages, and time at the spa. It’s the little things that you do each day that help improve your health – body and mind.

Think of self-care as the tiny habits you do each day to take better care of yourself.

If you need ideas for how to improve your self-care every day, then you’ll love this list of 45 simple self-care practices from Tiny Buddha.

Here are just a few of our favorites:

Self-Care Ideas for Your Mind

  1. Goof around – do something fun for at least 5 minutes throughout your day.
  2. Unplug for an hour – turn off those notifications and free yourself from constant pings.
  3. Edit your social media – take those negative people out of your feed by unfollowing them.
  4. Take a different route – mix up your routine and take some new streets in your town.

Self-Care for Your Body

  1. Take three deep breaths – breathe into your abdomen and be mindful of the exhale.
  2. Stand up and stretch – roll your neck, bend and touch your toes, or stretch out your arms.
  3. Improve your diet every day – add more water, some extra veggies, or up that protein a tad each day.
  4. Get out in the sun – start your morning outside for a good walk and soak up that sunshine.

Self-Care for Your Soul

  1. Help someone – open the door, carry the extra bags, or buy a treat for your friend.
  2. Pet an animal – if you don’t have a dog or cat at home, head and spend some time with the shelter animals who need some love.
  3. Write out your thoughts – take a few minutes and let out anything bothering you or that you’re excited about.
  4. Look for the beauty around you – on your drive, look for new things that stand out and strike you.

Little Habits Go a Long Way

Self-care isn’t a luxury reserved for the rich and carefree. It’s something we all can do each day and often the small, even tiny things, make all the difference.

When you take time to care for yourself, you’ll not only feel better connected to the world and loved ones around you, but you’ll find your health improves.

I’d love to hear which one you want to try first!
